Author: bruce
Stimulus Check 2025? One Article to Fully Grasp Trump’s New Policy
Have you heard about the high-profile Stimulus Check 2025? Discussions about stimulus checks and tax refunds have re-emerged recentily, but this time with a new twist. President Trump and Elon Musk are at the center of a conversation about potential financial relief for taxpayers. While there have been no widespread stimulus checks for 2025 now,…
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions and Valuable Preparation Tips
Get ready to master IELTS Speaking Part 1 with this article! We’ll delve into what to expect in IELTS Speaking Part 1, provide valuable preparation tips, and present a comprehensive list of common topics and questions to help you approach your exam with confidence and flair. Take this guide to make a memorable impression! What…
Cambridge IELTS 19 writing tests(1-4) with samples
Are you preparing for the Cambridge IELTS exam? Do you want to improve your writing skills and familiarize yourself with the test format? Look no further! In this article, we will explore Cambridge IELTS 19 writing tests 1 to 4. We will provide you with valuable samples to help you excel in your preparation. Test 1 WRITING TASK…
Cambridge IELTS 17 writing tests(1-4) with samples
Are you preparing for the Cambridge IELTS exam? Do you want to improve your writing skills and familiarize yourself with the test format? Look no further! In this article, we will explore Cambridge IELTS 17 writing tests 1 to 4. We will provide you with valuable samples to help you excel in your preparation. Test 1 WRITING TASK…
Cambridge IELTS 16 writing tests(1-4) with samples
Cambridge IELTS 16 writing tests(1-4) with samples
Basics of English Grammar: A Guide for Beginners
English grammar is very important if you want to speak and write well. It might seem hard to learn at first, but knowing the simple rules can really help you get better at using the language. Here, we’ll explain these important rules with some easy examples to help you understand better. 1. Parts of Speech…
Understanding the Meanings and Usage of “Coordinate” and “Corporate”
When it comes to coordinating and corporate matters, there are specific nuances and applications to consider. Let’s delve into the meaning and usage of these terms to gain a better understanding of their relevance in different contexts. Coordinate Coordinate Meaning 1: To organize or arrange things so that they work together effectively, often in a…
441 deadline
今天我们要学的词是deadline。 Deadline, 是最后期限的意思。4月15号是美国人交纳所得税的最后期限。”April 15th is the income tax filing deadline,” 民主党总统提名的宾夕法尼亚州党内初选下星期二举行。”Absentee voters have to send in their ballots before this Tuesday’s deadline,” 缺席投票的选民必须在本周二最后期限之前将选票寄到规定部门。”Yahoo is facing an April 26th deadline to accept a $42B offer from Microsoft,” 雅虎要在4月26号最后期限之前决定是否接受微软提出的420亿美元的收购案。好的,今天我们学习的词是deadline…
442 fallout
今天我们要学的词是fallout。 Fallout, 是附带结果的意思,”political fallout,” 是指所带来的政治余波。美国民主党总统参选人巴拉克.奥巴马不久前发表的一番评论在选民中引起了负面反应。”Obama’s campaign spent the weekend dealing with fallout from his comments,” 奥巴马的竞选班子上周末一直忙着应付这一评论引起的余波。 美利坚航空公司上星期连续取消了几千架航班。”The fallout from the cancellations disrupted schedules for every major airline,” 这些航班的取消也打乱了其他几乎所有大航空公司的航班的安排。好的,今天我们学习的词是fallout…
443 positive
今天我们要学的词是positive。 Positive, 是积极的,正面的。”A positive attitude,” 积极的态度。”He has received positive feedback for the work he has done,” 他的工作得到了好评。”She remained positive even in face of failure,” 即使面对失败,她也始终保持着积极的态度。 罗马天主教皇本笃十六世星期二抵达美国访问。”Nearly three-quarters of U.S. Catholics have a positive impression of Pope Benedict XVI,” 在美国的天主教徒中,将近四分之三的人对本笃十六世的印象都很好。好的,今天我们学习的词是positive…