597 forego

今天我们要学的词是forego。 Forego, 放弃。 “In hard times, many Americans forego health care,” 经济艰难,很多美国人只好放弃医疗保险。 “The employees agreed to forego 10 percent of their income to help the company avoid bankruptcy,” 公司雇员同意放弃百分之十的收入,使公司免于破产。 “Tough economic times are forcing many companies to forego the annual Christmas Party,” 经济不景气使很多公司被迫放弃年底的圣诞节晚会。 “Top executives of the leading U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs have decided to forego their bonuses this year,” 美国大投资银行高盛的高层执行官员决定 ,放弃他们今年的奖金。好,今天我们学习的词是forego…