Cambridge IELTS 16 writing tests(1-4) with samples



Are you preparing for the Cambridge IELTS exam? Do you want to improve your writing skills and familiarize yourself with the test format? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the writing tests from Cambridge IELTS 16, specifically tests 1 to 4. We will provide you with valuable samples to help you excel in your preparation.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

One sample for this obtained 7.5:

The provided line charts illustrate the adoption rates of key household appliances from 1920 to 2019 and track the weekly hours of housework over the same period.

Refrigerators, which were virtually absent in homes in 1920, saw a dramatic rise, surpassing 50% by 1950 and achieving 100% penetration by 1980. This rapid adoption reflects significant technological advancements and growing consumer demand for food preservation. Vacuum cleaners showed an initial ownership of 30% in 1920, increasing by 20% every two decades until 1960, ultimately reaching full market saturation by 1980. This trend underscores the increasing importance of maintaining cleaner indoor environments. Conversely, washing machines had a different trajectory, starting at 40% in 1920, peaking at 70% by 1960, then slightly falling and stabilizing above 70%. This pattern suggests an early saturation and possible shifts in consumer preferences or economic conditions impacting sales.

The decline in housework hours is notable, from 50 hours per week in 1920 to 20 hours by 1960, and then to just above 10 hours by 2019. This reduction is directly linked to the increased efficiency provided by these appliances, significantly decreasing the manual labor required for domestic tasks.

In conclusion, the charts demonstrate a significant correlation between the increased availability of household appliances and the reduction in time spent on housework, highlighting the transformative impact of technology on domestic life.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Write about the following topic:

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Write at least 250 words.

One sample obtain 8.0:

The inevitability of a future dominated by driverless vehicles brings with it a mixture of anticipation and concern. While there are significant moral implications associated with relinquishing control to machines, the overall impact on public health and safety is predicted to be markedly positive.

Opponents of autonomous vehicles often highlight the moral dilemmas posed by the technology. One of the primary concerns is the issue of accountability in the event of an accident. When accidents occur with human drivers, there is a capacity to assign blame or recognize human error, which provides a psychological cushion for both victims and society. However, if a machine causes an accident, it strips victims of the perception that they are masters of their fate, reducing the incident to something akin to an unavoidable natural disaster, albeit human-engineered. This loss of human agency is a profound moral and ethical issue that continues to challenge proponents of autonomous technology.

Despite these concerns, supporters of driverless cars present compelling arguments centered on the potential enhancements to public safety. Statistically, autonomous vehicles are involved in fewer accidents than those operated by humans. Human drivers are susceptible to a range of errors caused by fatigue, distraction, and impairment, which are not factors for autonomous systems. While machines can malfunction, their overall performance is characterized by a high degree of consistency and reliability. Notably, most incidents involving driverless cars have occurred due to human error from other drivers, not the technology itself. This suggests that a fully autonomous vehicular environment could drastically reduce, if not nearly eliminate, the incidence of traffic accidents.

Furthermore, the adoption of driverless vehicles could lead to substantial public health benefits. Reduced accident rates would naturally lead to fewer injuries and fatalities. Additionally, the efficiency of autonomous vehicles can mitigate traffic congestion, potentially decreasing vehicle emissions and contributing to better air quality.

In conclusion, the transition to a world of driverless vehicles is not without its ethical and moral challenges, particularly concerning the loss of human control over life-and-death decisions. However, the argument that this technological shift will lead to safer roads and healthier communities is compelling. As society moves towards this future, it is crucial that both the potential risks and benefits are carefully weighed. Companies developing these technologies, along with regulatory bodies, must ensure that the deployment of autonomous vehicles is handled with transparency and a strong ethical framework, thereby maximizing public trust and acceptance.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The plans below show the site of an airport now and how it will look after redevelopment next year.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A very good sample:

The map illustrates the planned renovations for Southwest Airport scheduled for the next year, highlighting an expansion in gates and the addition of various passenger facilities.

Currently, the departure and arrival entrances will maintain their positions, but additional doors will be installed. The departure area will undergo substantial changes; the check-in counters will be relocated from the left to the right side to accommodate a new bag drop area. Additionally, the existing cafe will be moved to a new location within this area.

In the arrivals section, enhancements include the installation of a new cafe, an ATM, and a car hire service. These additions will require an expansion of the existing building to house these facilities. The security, passport control, and customs areas will remain unchanged. However, new shops will be introduced right after the security checkpoint in the departures area, providing immediate retail options for departing passengers.

The most notable infrastructure development will be the replacement of the current walkway with a sky train track, aimed at improving transport efficiency within the airport. Furthermore, two new corridors leading to the gates will be constructed, increasing the number of gates from 8 to 18, which will more than double the airport's current capacity.

Overall, these renovations will significantly enhance the functionality and capacity of Southwest Airport, catering to future increases in passenger traffic and improving the overall travel experience.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

In numerous nations, more and more people are intrigued in the idea of researching the history or past of the where they now live.

Why is this?

What can people do to do this research?

Write at least 250 words.

A pretty good sample below:

The growing trend of residents exploring the history of their homes is both intriguing and beneficial, driven primarily by a natural curiosity about one's habitat and concerns about structural integrity. This pursuit, which can be likened to researching one's genealogy, not only enriches our appreciation of historical architecture but also serves as a vital check against potential safety hazards inherent in older constructions.

Firstly, the emotional connection people feel towards their homes is profound and delving into the history of where one lives often deepens this bond. Like tracing family ancestry, understanding the historical context and the lineage of a house can bring a sense of belonging and continuity. This historical curiosity often leads homeowners to uncover fascinating stories and facts about their residences, which can be a rewarding experience in itself.

Secondly, and perhaps more crucially, there are practical reasons behind this trend. Older homes, which might be charming and aesthetically pleasing, could potentially conceal risks due to the construction methods or materials used in the past. Issues such as asbestos, lead pipes, or structurally unsound foundations are not uncommon. By researching the construction period and techniques used in building their homes, residents can preemptively address these issues, safeguarding against possible future disasters.

The appropriate approach to undertake such research involves a systematic inquiry through official channels. While initial explorations might rely on anecdotal accounts or "word of mouth" from community members, these sources can often be unreliable. Consequently, engaging with local building authorities and accessing records through freedom of information requests is advisable. Most governmental bodies are equipped to handle such inquiries and typically provide support to residents, thereby ensuring that the information gathered is both accurate and comprehensive.

Encouragingly, governments usually do not have any incentive to withhold construction-related information. Thus, they are generally helpful in assisting residents, which not only aids in maintaining the safety and integrity of housing but also fosters a community's connection to its own history.

In conclusion, researching the history of one’s home is a positive trend that should be supported. Not only does it satisfy a natural curiosity and helps residents connect with their past, but it also serves crucial practical purposes related to the safety and maintenance of the property. Hence, this practice should be pursued diligently and through official avenues to ensure the reliability of the information obtained.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A sample obtained 7.5:

The diagram presents a comprehensive overview of the recycling process for plastic bottles, which is divided into three main stages: collection and sorting, processing and cleaning, and finally, reconstitution into new materials.

Initially, the recycling process begins with the disposal of plastic bottles into designated recycling bins. These bins are collected by specialized garbage trucks which transport the contents to a recycling center. Here, the bottles undergo sorting by hand, are compressed into blocks, and then crushed into smaller pieces. Following this, the crushed plastic is thoroughly washed to prepare it for further processing.

In the subsequent stage, the cleaned plastic fragments are transformed into a usable form. This involves converting the washed pieces into pellets using a specific machine. These pellets are then heated to create a versatile raw material.

The final stage of the recycling process involves using this raw material to manufacture a variety of products, including new bottles, clothing, containers, and even pencils. Importantly, all these products are designed to be recyclable, thus allowing them to re-enter the recycling process, perpetuating a cycle of reuse.

This efficient and cyclical approach not only helps in reducing waste but also promotes the sustainable use of resources by converting used plastic bottles into valuable new products.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

Do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

A very good sample blow:

The suggestion to raise prices on high-sugar food and drink products as a strategy to curb unhealthy consumption habits might seem effective at a glance. However, its impact on improving public health is likely to be marginal, and broader reforms are necessary for significant health improvements.

Drawing parallels with tobacco control, proponents of higher prices on sugary products cite the reduced smoking rates in countries with high tobacco taxes. Yet, in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and India, where tobacco remains affordable, smoking rates are high, suggesting that price alone may not deter unhealthy habits significantly.

In Europe, similar taxes on sugary and fatty foods have only slightly decreased consumption. This minimal impact suggests that merely raising prices does not substantially alter consumer behavior. The experience with luxury taxes shows that people are willing to pay more for their cravings, potentially compromising other necessities rather than changing their eating habits.

A more effective strategy can be observed in Japan, where comprehensive measures include nutritious school meals and extensive health education. This approach has reduced the prominence of sugary products more effectively than in cultures like the United States, where fast food and sugary beverages are deeply embedded.

Long-term educational shifts and consistent health promotion, supported by clear government communication, can gradually change public attitudes toward nutrition. A comprehensive approach, including education, cultural shifts, and supportive policies, is likely to be more effective than relying solely on price hikes.

In conclusion, while raising the price of sugary products might reduce consumption slightly, a broader strategy involving education, cultural adaptation, and supportive policies would lead to more substantial improvements in dietary habits and public health.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A pretty good sample for this graph below:

The diagram outlines the process of producing sugar from sugar cane, which encompasses three primary stages: harvesting, chemical transformation, and separation into sugar.

Initially, sugar cane is cultivated over a period of 12 to 18 months. Once the plants reach maturity, they are harvested using either manual labor or mechanized equipment. Following the harvest, the sugar cane stalks are crushed in a grinder, extracting raw sugar cane juice.

In the subsequent stage, the extracted juice undergoes chemical transformation. It is first filtered through limestone to remove impurities, then transferred to an evaporator. Here, the juice is heated and reduced to a thick syrup.

The final stage of the process involves separating the syrup from the actual sugar crystals. This is achieved using a centrifuge, which effectively isolates the crystals. These crystals are then dried and cooled, resulting in the end product: granulated sugar.

This streamlined process not only illustrates the transformation from plant to product but also highlights the combination of natural growth and sophisticated manufacturing techniques involved in sugar production.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way.

Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Write at least 250 words.

A sample for this obtained very high grade:

In the modern marketing landscape, the emphasis on product novelty has become a prevalent strategy, as companies seek to captivate consumer interest by presenting their offerings as new and innovative. This approach taps into a fundamental aspect of consumer psychology, where new products are often perceived as superior, potentially driving up demand and distinguishing a brand in a saturated market. For example, Tesla has effectively utilized this strategy to establish a dominant position in the electric vehicle sector by consistently highlighting the innovative aspects of their cars.

However, the focus on novelty can lead to several negative consequences. The drive to appear innovative often pushes companies toward disingenuous advertising, where the so-called new features may just be minor tweaks misrepresented as major breakthroughs. This creates an illusion of innovation where little or no substantive improvement exists. Over time, consumers exposed to constant claims of novelty for products that offer little change from their predecessors may experience fatigue. This disillusionment can lead to a decrease in consumer interest and trust, particularly if the new features fail to deliver meaningful improvements.

Moreover, the strategy of rebranding products with minor changes as new can mislead consumers. Major brands like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have engaged in practices where familiar products are repackaged with claims of novelty, despite minimal underlying changes. Such tactics can foster a negative sentiment among consumers, who may feel manipulated by these marketing ploys. The repeated cycle of exaggerated novelty claims can erode trust between consumers and brands, as the public becomes wary of marketing messages that frequently overstate the newness of products.

While the emphasis on novelty has its roots in legitimate business and psychological principles, its frequent misapplication has predominantly negative impacts on consumer perception and market dynamics. Instead of continually pushing the novelty angle, companies might find greater success—and more consumer trust—by focusing on genuine innovation and maintaining transparency in their marketing efforts. By prioritizing authentic improvements and honest communication, companies can build a more loyal customer base and avoid the pitfalls associated with overemphasizing product novelty.

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One response to “Cambridge IELTS 16 writing tests(1-4) with samples”

  1. This is very fruitful and helpful to get good band score in ielts

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