635 sold out

今天我们要学的词是sold out。 Sold out, 是全部售出的意思。The Disney show was sold out. 迪斯尼这场演出的票已经全部售出。 “Nintendo’s game Wii Fit hit retailers across the country last May and was sold out in two hours,” 任天堂的健身游戏Wii Fit去年五月在全美上市﹐短短两个小时内就一抢而空。 “Vice President-elect Joe Biden and his wife could not get in to watch a movie, because it was sold out,” 美国当选副总统拜登和夫人想看一部电影结果没看成。为什麽呢﹖因为票已经全都卖光了。 好的﹐今天我们学习的词是sold out…