Tips for Staying Focused and Concentrated in Online English Learning

We all know how important it is to stay focused and concentrate when studying English. The moment your mind wanders, or you start thinking of something else, you stop learning. It’s so easy to be distracted when you’re just looking at a screen.

So, what’s the answer? Do you just need better self-control, or is the answer in the course itself? We’ll explain how the online learning system helps you to stay focused and concentrate on studying.

8 Tips for Staying Focused

  • Being interested and engaged in what’s happening.
  • Having a clear goal or objective that you’re moving towards, and knowing that you’re making progress towards your goal.
  • Studying at just the right level for you – too hard and you give up, too easy and you feel like you’re wasting your time.
  • Interactivity – you get a response from your actions.
  • Human interaction – you get plenty of interaction with other people.
  • Feedback – you know how well you’re doing.
  • Encouragement – someone notices how you’re doing and tells you.
  • Support and guidance – someone helps you if you have problems.

How Helps You Stay Focused

All the online study is two-way: it’s full of small tests and interactive exercises. have been using interactive technology to support teaching English, so when it comes to online learning, we’re the experts!

Here’s what we do to help you to focus and concentrate when studying online:

  1. You have your own personal coach who is following your progress all the time. They’re available for advice and support whenever you need them.
  2. We’ve put all our different kinds of interactive lessons with teachers online. Sometimes you’re practicing specific language points, sometimes having interesting conversations, and sometimes doing interactive tasks with other people. Always there’s feedback on your progress from your teachers.
  3. All our textbooks are digital, and full of interactive activities – also with feedback on your progress.
  4. You have your own student dashboard (information center) where you can check on your progress towards your goals whenever you want to. (And you can ask your personal coach for advice if anything isn’t clear).

Don’t Learn with Your Phone

When learning English online, mobile devices like smartphones can be distracting due to numerous apps and notifications. Opting for a computer or tablet offers a better learning environment. Set up a dedicated study space, install learning apps and software, and utilize browser extensions to minimize distractions. Additionally, take regular breaks to refresh your mind. By adopting these strategies, you can maintain focus and make the most of your online English learning experience.

So, how can you stay focused when studying online?

Self-control helps, but it mostly depends on the way that you’re studying. It’s particularly important tofeel that you’re interacting with other people, and getting feedback, advice, and support.

Conclusion: While self-control plays a role in staying focused, the way you study is equally important. Interacting with others, receiving feedback, advice, and support are crucial elements in maintaining concentration. With the comprehensive support and interactive features offered by, you can enhance your focus and concentration while studying English online.


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