Learning grammar rules can be challenging when you’re picking up a new language. Even though English grammar may seem easier compared to other languages, a small error can completely change the meaning of your message. So here are some important rules to remember when speaking and writing English.
When it comes to adjectives and adverbs, use them correctly. Adjectives describe people or things and usually come before a noun. They don’t change when the noun is plural. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs and usually come after the verb. For example:
- He’s a slow driver. (adjective)
- He drives slowly. (adverb)
Most adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to an adjective, but there are a few irregular ones, such as “fast” (adjective) and “fast” (adverb), “hard” (adjective) and “hard” (adverb), and “good” (adjective) and “well” (adverb). For example, your English is good. You speak English well.
Pay attention to homophones, which are words pronounced the same but have different meanings and spellings. This can cause confusion. For example:
- they’re – their – there
- you’re – your
- it’s – its
- I – eye
- here – hear
- break – brake
- flower – flour
- our – hour
Be careful with the spelling when writing and try to understand the intended meaning from the context when listening.
Always use the correct verb conjugation to agree with the subject. Be especially careful with “he,” “she,” and “it” because they often have different forms. For example:
- She has two cats. (CORRECT)
- She have two cats. (WRONG)
Avoiding such mistakes will make a noticeable difference in how accurate you sound. Also, remember that when using “There is/are” to describe something, the verb must agree with the first item mentioned. For example:
- There is a sofa, some chairs, and a table.
- There are some chairs, a table, and a sofa.
To connect your ideas or phrases, use conjunctions. Some common ones are:
- and (addition)
- because (reason)
- but (contrast)
- so (consequence)
- or (alternative)
For example:
- He likes football, and he plays in a team.
- We’re going out because we’re bored.
- She wants to study more, but she doesn’t have time.
- Kim is coming round, so I’m cleaning my flat.
- Would you like tea or coffee?
In written English, sentences are generally not too long. They usually consist of two or three clauses linked by a conjunction. To make your sentences clearer, use commas to indicate where one phrase ends and another begins. Use commas:
- between two clauses (e.g., If the weather is nice tomorrow, we’re going to the park).
- to separate items in a list (e.g., Our kids like swimming, skiing, ice-skating, and cycling).
- after some conjunctions (e.g., Our holiday was great, and the hotel was wonderful. However, the weather was awful).
- to provide extra information in the middle of a sentence (non-defining clause) (e.g., My neighbor, who’s from Brazil, is really good at cooking).
Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter.
In English, the structure of questions differs from affirmative sentences. Make sure to change the word order or add the auxiliary verb “do.” There are four ways to make questions:
- “to be”: invert the subject and verb (e.g., Are you a student?).
- all other verbs: add the auxiliary verb “do” (e.g., Do they work here?).
- modal verbs: invert the modal verb and subject (e.g., Can he play the piano?).
- auxiliary verbs: invert the auxiliary verb and subject (e.g., Have you seen Bob?).
These rules also apply when using question words like “what,” “how,” and “why.” For example:
- Where are you from?
- When can we meet?
- Why have they left?
When talking about the past, use the appropriate past form of verbs. While English doesn’t have different past forms for each subject pronoun, there are irregular verbs that don’t follow the regular “-ed” form. Learn the most common ones (about 20). For example:
- Go – went
- Have – had
- Make – made
For example:
- We went to the cinema last Saturday.
- They had a party to celebrate Tom’s birthday.
- I made a cake this morning.
Familiarize yourself with the main English verb tenses. If you’re a beginner, focus on the four or five tenses used most often. Aim to use:
- Present simple: for habits and permanent situationsLearning grammar rules can be difficult when you’re learning a new language. English grammar may seem easier than other languages, but even a small mistake can change the meaning of your message. Here are some important rules to remember when speaking and writing English.
Adjectives describe people or things and usually come before a noun. They don’t change when the noun is plural. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs and usually come after the verb. Most adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to an adjective. Some irregular adverbs include “fast,” “hard,” and “well.”
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings, such as “they’re,” “their,” and “there.” Pay attention to the spelling and context to understand the intended meaning.
Use the correct verb conjugation to agree with the subject. Pay special attention to “he,” “she,” and “it” because they often have different forms. For example, say “She has two cats” instead of “She have two cats.”
Use conjunctions to connect ideas or phrases. Common conjunctions include “and,” “because,” “but,” “so,” and “or.” They help express addition, reason, contrast, consequence, and alternative.
In written English, sentences are usually not too long and consist of two or three clauses linked by a conjunction. Use commas to separate clauses, items in a list, after some conjunctions, and to provide extra information.
Start every sentence with a capital letter.
Questions have a different word order or require auxiliary verbs. There are four ways to make questions depending on the verb type or use of auxiliary verbs. Use question words like “what,” “how,” and “why” to ask specific questions.
When talking about the past, use the appropriate past form of verbs. While English doesn’t have different past forms for each subject pronoun, there are irregular verbs that don’t follow the regular “-ed” form. Learn the most common irregular verbs.
Familiarize yourself with the main English verb tenses and focus on the four or five tenses used most often.
Remember, practice is key to improving your grammar skills.
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