3 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Motivation High While Learning English

Learning a new language, especially one as complex as English, can feel like a never-ending battle sometimes. It’s so easy to get discouraged when progress feels slow or you hit a roadblock. But with the right strategies, you can totally keep yourself pumped to keep plugging away. Here are three simple things I’ve found really help me stay stoked on improving my English skills.

  1. Set yourself up for success.

When you’re learning something new, it’s super important to have clear goals. Otherwise, how will you even know if you’re making progress? Start by thinking about why you want to learn – do you need it for school, want to travel more, or just think it’s cool? Once you identify your main motivation, get specific. Instead of just saying “I want to get better at speaking,” commit to having a 10-minute conversation in English daily. Having benchmarks to hit along the way makes the goals feel achievable and gives you mini victories to celebrate.

  1. Community is key.

Trying to learn a new language solo can get lonely fast! But there are tons of ways to meet up with other language learners these days. Check if your local library or community center does language exchange meetups. Or sign up for language exchange apps like Tandem or HelloTalk to match with conversation partners around the world. Following LangFocus or other language YouTube channels is also fun for learning new grammar points and finding others who get how you feel. Having a crew of others on the same journey makes it way more motivating.

  1. Make it fun!

Let’s be real – flashcards and textbooks get old quick. Mix it up by incorporating activities you already enjoy. Like watching shows? Put captions on in English. Like music? Listen to playlists in your target language. Games are also awesome for learning while having fun. Apps like Duolingo turn learning into a challenge. You can also start a language learning blog or YouTube channel if teaching others motivates you. The key is finding ways of practicing English that don’t feel like “work.”

Sticking with learning a new language takes determination. But with the right mindset and these simple strategies, you’ve totally got this! Keep your goals clear, your community strong, and studies interesting. Before you know it, your English skills will be firing on all cylinders.

scitudy.com offers a proven method and a global network to make sure you are getting the absolute most from your learning, and enjoying your life in the process.

With that said…

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