Cambridge IELTS 18 writing tests(1-4) with samples

Are you preparing for the Cambridge IELTS exam? Do you want to improve your writing skills and familiarize yourself with the test format? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the writing tests from Cambridge IELTS 18, specifically tests 1 to 4. We will provide you with valuable samples to help you excel in your preparation.


One sample obtained 6.5:

The line graph illustrates the proportion of urban citizens in Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia between 1970 and 2020, with the expected population in 2030 and 2040.

Overall, it can be easily seen that all four countries has a dramatic rise in population, starting at the lowest point in 1970 and being projected to reach the peak in 2040.

Malaysia and Indonesia saw a slightly rise in population, respectively from 30 to about 45 and around 12 to over 20 percent from 1970 to 1990. After that, both countries has climbed rapidly until now before being predicted to continue increasing for the next 20 years.After almost remaining in the 70s, Philippines percentage increased dramatically to reach about 47 percent on 1990 and dropped to 40% in 2010. Then, this country faced slightly rise in 2020.Meanwhile, Thailand reached approximate 30% in 1990 and saw not much changes until 2020. Both two countries are projected to increase in population in 2030 and 2040.

Another sample for this obtained 7.5:

The report derives from a graph chart which illustrates the proportion of the citizens in four Asian nations living in cities for the last 53 years and the predictions for the next 17 years.

As an initial point,  urban living will increase in all countries, especially in Malaysia and Philippines. By 2040, Malaysia will have the highest percentage of people living in cities.

In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had  similar citizens living in cities rates, around 31% and 30% respectively. Thailand and Indonesia had a lower rate, with Thailand at 19% and Indonesia at 12%. Over the next 20 years, Malaysia's rate went up and down, surpassing the Philippines by around 40% before rapidly increasing in 1990. It is projected to reach over 80% by 2040. On the other hand, the Philippines shows a decline in rate after 1990 but it is expected to rise again and reach over 50% by 2040.

Indonesia has seen  significant growth in the rate of people living in cities, surpassing Thailand in 2000 (27%) and the Philippines in 2010 (43%). It is projected to reach over 60% for Indonesia and 48% for Thailand.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
Write about the following topic:

The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

One sample obtain 8.0:

Scientific developments are occurring at a great rate but some of them do not seem to be of help to people. In fact, sometimes scientific innovations are regretted by those who invented them. This essay will argue that science should never harm people but scientists should aim to further their understanding as much as to improve people's lives.

On one hand, there is a strong argument that the public good should be the top priority for scientists. They are the ones who have the potential to make discoveries and invent things that can change the world. Electricity, modern medicine, telecommunications and the internet are just some of the scientific innovations that have changed lives for the better.

On the other hand, sometimes scientists do research just in the hope of adding to their knowledge. While they should make absolutely sure that their experiments do no harm, they may not know until they have finished how their findings will be used and whether they will improve people's lives. The scientist Nobel invented dynamite to help with mining, not knowing that it would one day be used in weapons, and the scientist who discovered the life-saving drug penicillin did so quite by chance.

Overall, it seems that science should improve the lives of people and that ought to be one of its aims. However, knowledge and discovery are aims in themselves and are just as important for scientists. Sometimes scientists do not know how their scientific breakthroughs will be used until their work is done.

Another very good sample:

Science plays a pivotal role in driving human advancement, with an undeniable impact on our world. Many argue that science should prioritize the improvement of human well-being, a perspective I strongly support. In this essay, I will reaffirm the significance of science in enhancing people's lives and delve deeper into the compelling arguments supporting this viewpoint.

Foremost, science's primary objective should be to elevate the quality of human existence. Throughout history, scientific research and innovation have yielded groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various fields, such as medicine, agriculture, and technology. These breakthroughs have led to remarkable improvements in people's lives. For instance, the introduction of antibiotics marked a significant milestone in healthcare, saving numerous lives by conquering infectious diseases. Similarly, innovations in agricultural science have bolstered food production, alleviating hunger and malnutrition for millions globally.

Secondly, emphasizing the enhancement of human lives through scientific endeavors aligns perfectly with the ethical responsibility of the scientific community. Scientists bear a moral obligation to utilize their knowledge and expertise for the greater good. This entails addressing urgent global challenges, including climate change, disease prevention, and poverty eradication. The expedited development of COVID-19 vaccines serves as a prime example of this ethical commitment. Scientists worldwide collaborated to safeguard lives and minimize the societal impact of the pandemic, showcasing the immense potential of science to serve humanity during crises.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that science should unequivocally prioritize the improvement of human well-being. Its unparalleled ability to facilitate transformative change in various aspects of human existence highlights its indispensable role as a driving force for progress. By placing profound emphasis on the welfare and prosperity of individuals and societies, the scientific community is poised to continue shaping a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for all.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the number of households in the US by their annual income in 2007, 2011 and 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A very good sample:

The information presented in the paragraph is based on a chart depicting the income distribution of households in the United States from 2007 to 2015.

To begin with, the proportion of households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 remained relatively consistent over the eight-year period, while both the lowest and highest income groups (below $49,999 and above $50,000) exhibited an upward trend. It is worth noting that a majority of US households had an income of $100,000 or more, whereas the number of families with the lowest annual income fluctuated during this timeframe.

In 2007, approximately 29 million families had the highest income, while the lowest income group consisted of around 14 million families. However, in 2011, the largest number of families, totaling 29 million, had an annual income ranging from $25,000 to $49,000, whereas the lowest number amounted to 9 million families with a relatively higher annual income of about $75,000 to $99,999. By 2015, there was a slight decrease in the number of families that had the highest income compared to 2007.

Overall, the paragraph highlights the income distribution patterns of US households between 2007 and 2015, emphasizing the stability of middle-income earners and the increasing numbers in both the lowest and highest income brackets.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

A pretty good sample below:

There are differing opinions regarding whether young individuals should devote all their time and effort solely to their academic studies or explore other extracurricular subjects. In my opinion, the latter perspective holds more merit for several reasons, which will be elaborated upon in the following paragraphs.

On one hand, there are notable advantages to specializing exclusively in one field. Firstly, it enables individuals to focus their efforts on acquiring extensive knowledge in their chosen area. To illustrate this point, distractions can hinder concentration, making it more challenging for young people to broaden their intellectual horizons. For instance, a medical student aiming to develop a deep understanding of medical literature should dedicate their time to reading the latest research available online.

On the other hand, in today's world, possessing a multidimensional skill set has become increasingly crucial due to recent global changes across various aspects of life. Having a comprehensive understanding of multiple fields ensures a promising and rewarding future career, as the modern world has undergone substantial transformations. To provide an example, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous job sectors. Consequently, predicting the future has become challenging due to its inherent uncertainties.

From my perspective, a broader awareness and a diverse range of transferable skills guarantee success in one's desired profession. For instance, when I embarked on my own venture in newborn photography, I found it necessary to acquire knowledge in areas such as advertising, business planning, and customer service to achieve my goals.

In conclusion, while maintaining a strong focus on a particular subject can yield benefits in various aspects, individuals should also possess a broader knowledge base to swiftly pursue their objectives, given the rapid technological changes occurring worldwide.

Another sample for this, but not as good as above.

Advocates argue that it is beneficial for students to pursue additional subjects alongside their compulsory coursework during a degree program, while opponents believe it is advisable for students to remain solely focused on their core curriculum at all costs. In my view, exploring diverse subjects helps learners develop supplementary skills and acquire extra knowledge. However, for some young individuals, it can serve as a distraction from their academic journey, potentially impacting their overall academic performance.

On one hand, gaining knowledge in unconventional fields can serve as a catalyst for enhancing the expertise and acquiring new information for undergraduates. Often, these additional subjects include the study of new languages or engaging in music or art courses. Although these pursuits are optional for students, there are noticeable benefits for those who choose to pursue them. For example, a survey conducted by an Education Board at IIT Bombay boldly revealed that seven out of the top ten scholars had actively pursued additional subjects throughout their years of graduation.

On the other hand, a university course is seen as a significant milestone in one's educational journey. Therefore, many people agree that emphasis should be placed solely on academic requirements rather than less significant optional studies. Admittedly, many of us may not have the luxury of retaking exams from the previous year, making it more prudent for college students to forgo extracurricular studies for a brighter future. For instance, my nephew decided to pursue an acting course as an additional subject while studying engineering, which posed challenges in managing time, reading materials, and fulfilling the demands of acting practices. As a result, he ultimately had to abandon the supplementary activity to achieve better grades in his exams.

In conclusion, while the significance of the core curriculum should be given utmost priority, students should also engage in supportive elective studies such as music, sports, or art to enhance their mental resilience and broaden their general awareness.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and how it looks now.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A sample obtained middle grade below:

The picture shows how a public library has changed over the past 20 years.

In general, the library has undergone significant changes, and during this time, a café has been added. However, the entrance area has remained unchanged.

The tables and chairs in the middle of the library have been taken away. Instead, a café has been created in the southeast corner, and the information desk that used to be there has been moved to the east of the library, between the self-service machines and the adult fiction books section. As a result, the room that used to hold children's books has been transformed into a lecture room.

If you go to the left from the entrance, there used to be a reading room 20 years ago, but now it has been replaced with a computer room. On the west side of the library, there is now a section for reference books. The computer games room that used to be in the northwest corner of the library has been converted into a room for storytelling events, and a sofa has been placed there for the audience's comfortable seating. In this room, a section for children's fiction books has also been added for the children's enjoyment.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

In many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the countryside is decreasing.
Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

A very good sample blow:

Statistics indicate a rapid surge in the global population. It is anticipated that the majority of individuals will reside in urban areas in the coming decades. The debate regarding whether urbanization constitutes a positive or negative development remains contentious.

The swift influx of individuals migrating from rural to urban regions is certain to engender predicaments. Firstly, the strain on essential resources like housing and transportation escalates. Affording adequate housing in cities has become increasingly arduous for numerous individuals. Consequently, slums emerge as a by-product, compelling low-income families to congregate in neglected sections of the city. These individuals frequently become ensnared in an inescapable cycle of poverty.

Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the expansion of urban areas can lead to severe traffic congestion as an increasing number of vehicles commute from the suburbs into the city. This, in turn, engenders a plethora of repercussions, including issues with air quality. Moreover, traversing vast cities often leaves many urban dwellers fatigued and stressed, contributing to mental health concerns.

That said, I do not subscribe to the notion that urbanization is an entirely negative development. Living in well-managed metropolises offers numerous advantages. For instance, the presence of a greater number of schools translates into expanded educational opportunities. Access to superior healthcare services is often more readily available in cities. Additionally, some urban centers have implemented environmentally friendly measures such as ride-sharing, e-bikes, and park-and-ride services, which mitigate environmental issues.

In my opinion, many of the challenges associated with urbanization can be averted. However, effectively addressing the burgeoning urban populations presents a formidable challenge. The manner in which governments, businesses, and society respond to this challenge will undeniably exert a profound impact on the future of our world.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

A pretty good sample for this graph below:

In general, copper and nickel witnessed an upward trend in prices, while zinc experienced an increase in cost. By the conclusion of the year, zinc emerged as the most expensive metal, whereas nickel had the lowest value.

Commencing at a 6% level in January, nickel stood as the most valuable metal. However, within a mere span of 5 months, its price plummeted to -3% by June. Subsequently, there was a slight recovery, reaching -1% in July, which remained unchanged for the subsequent two months of August and September. Thereafter, the price dropped to -2% before experiencing a surge to 1% in the final two months of 2014.

The cost of zinc underwent a rapid increase, peaking at 3% in February. Throughout the subsequent months of the first and second quarters, the price continuously declined, reaching -1%, and remained relatively stable during the third quarter before soaring to 2% by the year's end.

Copper's price exhibited more fluctuation, commencing at 2% and gradually decreasing to the lowest points of 0.5% in May and June. In July, copper observed a slight increase, returning to 1%, and remained rather steady at this level for the remainder of the year."

Please note that this rewritten passage contains a deliberate grammatical error for instructional purposes.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Write about the following topic:
In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an ageing population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people.
To what extent do the advantages of having an ageing population outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experie

Write at least 250 words.

With the growing longevity of individuals across the globe, the phenomenon of an aging populace has become increasingly prevalent. While some argue that this demographic shift poses challenges for governments, I firmly believe that the advantages of having an aging population outweigh the disadvantages. This essay will delve into the various benefits associated with a larger proportion of elderly individuals and demonstrate their positive impact on society.

One of the prominent benefits of an aging population is the abundance of wisdom and experience that older individuals possess. Their amassed knowledge, acquired through decades of life experiences, offers invaluable insights for younger generations. The elderly can act as mentors, passing down traditions, cultural practices, and historical perspectives. This preservation of cultural heritage ensures that societies maintain their distinctive identity and fosters a sense of continuity and pride among its members.

Contrary to the notion that an aging population burdens governments, older individuals can make significant economic contributions. Many elderly people continue to work past the conventional retirement age, contributing to the labor force and supporting economic growth. Additionally, as individuals age, their consumption patterns change, leading to an increased demand for goods and services tailored specifically to older demographics. This creates opportunities for businesses and stimulates economic activity.

In conclusion, although an aging population does present challenges for governments, the advantages of having such a demographic outweigh the disadvantages. The wisdom, experience, and cultural preservation brought by elderly individuals, coupled with their economic contributions and active engagement in society, all contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of a nation. By recognizing and harnessing the strengths of an aging population, governments can formulate policies and initiatives that maximize the benefits while effectively addressing the challenges, leading to a more inclusive and harmonious society.


3 responses to “Cambridge IELTS 18 writing tests(1-4) with samples”

  1. Rakhim Avatar

    In the 7.5 sample answer in Test 1 Task 1, it’s written like this: “In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had similar citizens living in cities rates”. I think the correct version would be: “In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had similar rates of citizens living in cities”

    1. I think you are right.

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